
Optimisation with quantum annealing algorithms (“quantum annealing”)

Quantum Science and Technology @UB/ICCUB

Group Description:

The University of Barcelona (UB) has a significant scientific interest in this project. The questions addressed align with the themes of interest in the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics (FQA) and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) of the Faculty of Physics at UB. In fact, the Institute of Cosmos Sciences, a Maria de Maeztu centre, has defined quantum technologies as one of its six priority research lines.

The group has two main lines of research. The first, led by Bruno Julia Diaz, focuses on many-body quantum physics with applications in quantum simulation, ultra-cold gas physics, and, more recently, quantum communications. The second, led by Dr Sofyan Iblisdir, centres on quantum information theory, with applications to simulation methods and fundamental physics.

Activity description:

The objective of this line is to develop quantum annealing algorithms for solving complex optimization problems:

  1. Optimization of annealing techniques through a combination of microscopic calculations, machine learning techniques, and classical simulations.
  2. Benchmarking these algorithms on D-Wave type quantum annealers and comparison with equivalent algorithms on low-qubit quantum computers.


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