About Quantum Spain

Our team and objectives

A pioneering project

Growing in the new computational paradigm

Quantum Spain aims to promote and finance a competitive and complete quantum computing infrastructure in Spain. It will provide the present Spanish quantum ecosystem with the necessary tools to develop a solid scientific and technological fabric around quantum computing and its applications in Artificial Intelligence.

Quantum Spain is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Economy through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence and financed with the Recovery Funds.


EUR 22 Million


01/01/22 – 31/12/25

The objectives of Quantum Spain

Discover the goals we work towards every day

Acquire and install a quantum computer based superconducting qubits technology in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS).
Acquire and install HPC devices to be used in projects related to quantum technologies. The HPC devices will be located at the BSC-CNS, CESGA and SCAYLE.
Provide access to the quantum computer and HighPerformance Computing devices through the Red Española de Supercomputación network channels.
Support universities and research institutions in the research and development of novel Quantum algorithms and their applications in artificial intelligence.
Create training programs, workshops, schools, seminars and other initiatives through the TalentQ programme.

Lines of work

Quantum computer
Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Adquisition and installation of a quantum computer based on superconducting qubits technology.

Spanish Supercomputing Network

Provide the access to the quantum computer and High Performance Computing devices for quantum technologies.

Universities and Research centers

Development and research of novel quantum algorithms and their applications in AI.

TalentQ program

Training programs, workshops, schools, seminars and other initiatives to bring quantum computation to all backgrounds.

Who are we?

Meet the institutions and centres of Quantum Spain

Become part of Quantum Spain

Attend our events or organise an activity with us.