Among quantum-inspired classical computing approaches to Quantum Simulation, Tensor Networks stand out as a promissing avenue to handle situation where the amount of entanglement is limited.
This course provides an introduction to the use of Tensor Newtorks. The course will be in-person, and involve both theory presentations and python labs for practical use cases. There is a limited number of seats available. Registration is needed. Final admission will be subject to approval. The course is charge free.
The pre-requisites involve knowledge and understanding of quantum mechanics of several constituents, like spin 1/2 systems, the meaning of Hamiltonian evolution, and the properties of mixed states and density matrices. At the computational level, python skills to write and debug codes made of several functions with numpy and scipy will do.
The main speaker will be Luca Tagliacozzo, from Instituto de Física Fundamental, IFF-CSIC, who has significant contributions in the field as well as expertise in teaching this course.
Contribution seminars form industry experts will be also programmed.
Check te programme here.
Register here.
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